Archiver – An automated transfer of data from the recording servers to removable media (Blu-ray, DVD, etc.) or to networked storage (SAN or cloud) for long term archiving.
API – Application programming interface (API) is a set of routines and protocols for building software applications.
Backup Server – A backup recording server operates independently and can be configured to operate usually automatically without operator intervention based upon time of day, presence of elevated sound levels or other trigger events.
BFL – Blue function light (BFL) is an LED display placed in the courtroom to indicate when the recording system is on and receiving proper signal strength.
Blu-Ray – A high capacity digital disc for data storage.
Centralized Monitoring – Is when one person controls the recording and annotations of multiple courtrooms from a central location that may be remote or distant. As long as there is connectivity CourtSmart technology is designed to operate remotely, locally or a combination of both.
Centralized Recording – A system where each courtroom or courthouse operates independently but is networked to recording servers for storage, archiving, and retrieval of the record. Centralized recording provides redundant servers for fault-tolerant operation.
Client/Server Based Recording – A recording system where all rooms are connected to powerful servers for recording, retrieval, and storage of the record. Computers of less power (desktop and laptop PCs, or tablets) that are connected to these servers are called clients and the CourtSmart user interfaces reside on these computers.
Court Chat – A CourtSmart messaging system to facilitate communication between one CourtSmart user to another or to a group of users. Runs as an integrated application with the client software.
DANTE – A non-proprietary digital transport protocol for audio over a standard IP network. Recordings using DANTE can be routed to centralized servers over the network using existing switches and network wiring.
Fault-tolerant – When a system continues to record when a component of the recording system has failed. For example, if a recording server or workstation were to fail for any reason there is a redundant, active backup that is constantly recording simultaneously with the primary recorder.
Integration – When one or more applications merge into a single system to improve user access and data accuracy across systems. For example, integration of a court’s case management system with CourtSmart to share and update case data in real-time or to integrate remote video conferencing applications with the CourtSmart recording servers.
LAN – Local area network (LAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a local area such as a courthouse.
Non-Proprietary – Not protected by trademark or patent and is in the public domain or are widely licensed and not restricted to one manufacturer. Another frequently used term is “commercial off the shelf (COTS)” that refers to being able to obtain the goods from multiple sources.
ODBC – Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems such as SQL used by CourtSmart. Utilizing ODBC CourtSmart can manage the metadata connected to a recording making retrieval of these recordings fast and simple. Applications designed to these standards can be integrated through ODBC with other applications similarly designed.
Open Architecture – Design standards that are public, which simplifies integration of additional applications.
Primary Server – The recording server that holds the official court record.
SAN – Storage Area Network (SAN) offers fast independent storage that is expandable providing data protection with redundant storage drives. Recordings that are centralized on CourtSmart servers can be forwarded to SAN storage for long term archival storage. CourtSmart fully supports this type of service.
Seal – Controls access to a complete recording or a portion of a recording through user rights defined in the CourtSmart SQL database.
Standalone – A PC not connected to a server for recording and retrieval purposes. These systems can be implemented on laptop computers, desktop PCs, or tablets for recording, then if desired, download the recordings to central servers for storage if desired.
Tag – An annotation synced to the recording to assist in locating a portion of a recording. Tags can be automatic showing system functions (On, Off, Pause, etc.), data from a case management system, or free form as entered by the recording operator.
VPN – Virtual private network (VPN) allows users to communicate over a public network, such as the Internet, or to a private network for the sharing of information. VPNs offer benefits from management policies, encryption, and security.
WAN – Wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a larger geographic area such as a large campus, multiple counties, or a state. A WAN connects different smaller networks such as a LAN.