CourtSmart’s video solutions are software-based.
- Operates on standard desktop and notebook PCs
- Accommodates a wide selection of built-in or external off-the-shelf cameras
- Updates and enhancements do not require replacement of bulky and expensive proprietary hardware
CourtSmart’s easy to use interface is fully integrated into the CourtSmart recording software.
Video Arraignment
- Schedule arraignments to accommodate judge’s calendars
- Eliminate down time waiting for inmates to arrive at the courthouse
- Improve courthouse security by not transporting inmates
- View yourself and the endpoint during the call
- Eliminate security risks when processing and transporting inmates
- Enter real-time annotations during the call
Video Visitation
- Eliminate security risks processing visitors
- Establish remote visitation sites at community and faith based locations
CourtSmart uses the latest industry video conferencing standards.
- Full motion/full screen video
- H.323 Compliant
- MPEG-4 SP/AP and H.264
- Standard Definition to Ultra High Definition Resolution (4K)
- Full duplex – parties can speak and listen at the same time
- Echo cancellation further enhances the audio clarity