CourtSmart offers solutions to fit the court’s needs while maximizing return on investment. CourtSmart’s technology brings an unequaled level of security, functionality, and data integration to each installation.

- Traditional StandaloneRecording takes place on a PC or laptop not connected to a server. If desired, the recording can be download to central servers for storage and retrieval. one-to-one courtroom solutions
- Mobile solutions for special courts and situations
- CentralizedA system where each courtroom or courthouse operates independently but is networked to recording servers for storage, archiving, and retrieval of the record. solutions to record across the jurisdiction
- Control and monitored recording from one location
- Fully redundant recording platforms
- Completely independent servers recording the proceedings
- Servers use independent databases, archival systems, and redundant digital transports
- Recordings are automatically backed up
- Stream to offsite locations to archive on networked servers, cloud, SANStorage Area Network (SAN) offers fast independent storage that is expandable providing data protection with redundant storage drives., or removable media